Elsie's Cats

This has nothing to do with anything else on the site, I just wanted to show off the two little rascals I live with.  Please note that Scully isn't any less cute or beautiful than Rachel, Scully is just less likely to pose for the camera than Rachel is.  There have been times when Rachel has knocked things over in her desire to get in a picture.  :D  I'll update this as I get new pictures, most recent will be at the top.

Those WERE clean clothes...


Dear Miss Scully, no matter how loudly you are purring, you are going to get off my pillow so I can sleep.

Rachel knows absolutely precisely how cute she is, doesn't she??  Stinker.  :D

It's a Rachel attack!  I was just trying to pet her... :D





  1. Awwww! Teh Cuteness! It is too much! :)

    1. Aw, for some reason I never saw your comment until today -- but thank you! :) I'm a proud kitty mommy. I even like it when they're brats.
