Friday, September 20, 2013

Xena Fandom: Two Announcements

These two announcements completely unrelated to each other but both related to Xena fandom, so...

Announcement 1: Well, I haven't heard any objections yet to my convention of naming Xena fandom people after Suikoden characters.  However, I thought of a few new liberties.  First, there's one fan where I thought of a Suiko character who has the same first letter as her given name rather than her fandom name, but I want to use it anyway since that character seems like a perfect fit, and since I helped come up with her fandom name, it "squeaks a little when I turn it around" (to steal a line from the Mallorean).  So I want to use my first idea.  And second, there's a fan whose online name begins with a "U."  I can't think of any Suiko characters whose names start with "U" off the top of my head, but there's Yuiri, Yumi, and Yun from Suiko III whose names start with the same first sound.  Therefore, all naming will be phonetic.

Announcement 2: I just finished reading the results of my friend's master's survey on autism and religion.  It made me want to write about my own experience with Asperger's.  That's actually very tied up with my experiences in Xena fandom, but it doesn't have to do with one good story, you know?  I didn't get the diagnosis until my last couple of years in the fandom, and there are as many painful experiences wrapped up with it as good ones.  So rather than trying to manhandle a Xena fandom post into something that would relate, I've decided to create a separate page.  At this rate I'll fill up my page quote ... but blogger says I can have up to 10, so I haven't used them all up yet.  Look at the "tabs" up at the top if you haven't already for the pages.

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